Welcome to the Official VietACT Intern Blog! It provides an opportunity for the current VietACT Intern to engage in a dialogue with our members, the community, and those interested in our efforts and fight against human trafficking. This blog will feature updates and observations from the shelter in Taiwan, thoughts and feelings from the current VietACT Intern, as well as news updates and information about human trafficking in general. Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

In furthering our purpose and mission, VietACT (Vietnamese Alliance to Combat Trafficking) is currently accepting applications for our 2009 International Internship Program (IIP).

VietACT (Vietnamese Alliance to Combat Trafficking) welcomes a limited number of interns to work on behalf of VietACT in Taiwan (Taoyuan, Taiwan) throughout the summer (though preferably longer if possible). Students and professionals of various disciplines are encouraged to apply, particularly law, social work, psychology, public health, and general social science. Interns will work at TaiwanACT's Vietnamese Migrant Workers and Brides Office (VMWBO) and will participate in research, case studies, case work, writing projects, teaching and advocacy. Potential interns are encouraged to find funding through their universities and/or private funding. VietACT will make arrangements for basic room and board. Interns will make their own arrangements for traveling. (A small stipend may be available depending on funding availability).

More Information can be found at our Official Site at http://www.VietACT.org

Join us on our Xanga Blogrings, Myspace, and Facebook Group Account (Keyword: VietACT).

Click here for a link to download the VietACT 2009 IIP Packet
(includes Intro letter, Application Form, FAQ, etc)
http://V117H.fileave.com/VietACT 2009 IIP Packet.doc

Click here for a link to download the VietACT 2009 IIP Application Form (Form ONLY)http://V117H.fileave.com/VietACT 2009 IIP Application.doc

Click here for a link to download the VietACT 2009 IIP Flyer
http://V117H.fileave.com/VietACT 2009 IIP Flyer.jpg

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us: internship@vietact.org

Please help VietACT spread the word about this opportunity by forwarding this information to those you know that might be interested. Thank you.