Welcome to the Official VietACT Intern Blog! It provides an opportunity for the current VietACT Intern to engage in a dialogue with our members, the community, and those interested in our efforts and fight against human trafficking. This blog will feature updates and observations from the shelter in Taiwan, thoughts and feelings from the current VietACT Intern, as well as news updates and information about human trafficking in general. Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

"She came in through the bathroom window..."

So a snake climbed in through the bathroom window at the VMWBO office last night (mind you the snake had to make its way up to the second story). So what did the women at the shelter do? They smashed in its head and made porridge with it. And then Cha Hung ate the snake's heart (this might a rumor but it was neither refuted or affirmed by Cha Hung who simply shrugged).

Chi My Nga, if you're reading this, I hope you and your family made it to the States safely! You too Cha Cuong! We dropped off one of the sister's at the airport this morning and it was a tearful good-bye. I had a heart-to-heart with Cha Hung earlier this week and it has changed how I view my job here in Taiwan and the work that Cha Hung and the socials workers here have cut out for them. At the airport one of the social workers pointed out the brokers over here in Taiwan and I agree with the office when they tell Cha Hung to get some life insurance! Those are some scary people.

I will write more when I am not so sleepy (from waking up at 5 AM); I just wanted to post to make sure everyone knew I was still alive over here.

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