Welcome to the Official VietACT Intern Blog! It provides an opportunity for the current VietACT Intern to engage in a dialogue with our members, the community, and those interested in our efforts and fight against human trafficking. This blog will feature updates and observations from the shelter in Taiwan, thoughts and feelings from the current VietACT Intern, as well as news updates and information about human trafficking in general. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Doing research and speaking with people who are directly dealing with the issue of human trafficking in Taiwan has been saddening, yet thoroughly interesting. In Taiwan especially, the issue of trafficking is strongly tied to issues of labor exploitation, specifically in regards to the broker system. It is a systematic yet complex web that involves the exploitation of the economically marginalized, deceit, and abuse. These brokers (both Vietnamese and Taiwanese) charge obscenely large fees to laborers who are already financially disadvantaged, and then subsequently put them in sub-standard work environments which were not specified in the contracts. Also, these individuals end up being paid less than what the contracts specified, or not given enough work to do, which places them in an especially precarious situation as they all have lingering debts to pay. Many times, laborers do not work in one single place but are transported (read: trafficked) to multiple work sites depending on where labor is needed.

So far, through talking with many people here, it is the debt (and the interest which continually accruing) which is particularly worrisome and a great source of psychological stress for these individuals. People here at the shelter are obviously not making an income while they are here, and everyday they think about the money they could be and should be making. The whole situation makes me extremely sad for my fellow brothers and sisters, and it makes me extremely angry at humanity. I consider myself a relatively optimistic and hopeful person, but when people knowingly deceive and exploit others, I can't help but be frustrated and cynical. How can a human being treat another human being in such a manner? That is the question of the day, and perhaps, many days to follow.

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