Welcome to the Official VietACT Intern Blog! It provides an opportunity for the current VietACT Intern to engage in a dialogue with our members, the community, and those interested in our efforts and fight against human trafficking. This blog will feature updates and observations from the shelter in Taiwan, thoughts and feelings from the current VietACT Intern, as well as news updates and information about human trafficking in general. Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hello VietACT supporters!

This is Vanessa, VietACT Intern - Summer 2006. I want to applaud Caroline for the great work she is doing for the human trafficking survivors in Taiwan as well as the great writing and updates she is providing for VietACT locally here in the States and worldwide. For those California-based VietACT supporters, please see the following note from Van Le at VietACT:

Senator Lou Correa's Office, The Women's Transitional Living Center and VietACT are hosting an Evening of Awareness for Human Trafficking.

The event will take place on October 2nd at 6pm-8pm at the Westminster Rose Center.

The program will include a documentary film, testimonials from 3 human trafficking survivors, a discussion panel..and hopefully other VietACT talents such as Spoken word or singing...

Please contact vanle@vietact.org if you are interested in volunteering for the event! We'll see you there!

Peace, love and freedom


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