Welcome to the Official VietACT Intern Blog! It provides an opportunity for the current VietACT Intern to engage in a dialogue with our members, the community, and those interested in our efforts and fight against human trafficking. This blog will feature updates and observations from the shelter in Taiwan, thoughts and feelings from the current VietACT Intern, as well as news updates and information about human trafficking in general. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Its a bittersweet moment when people leave the shelter. You miss them but you're also happy for them because they will reunite with their family. A group of five girls and another girl all recently left this week. I am very happy for them and pray that their journey was safe and sound! Perhaps I can meet up with them next summer, should my family visit Vietnam! Here are their final words:

Translate: Thank You Father (Hung) and Elder Sisters for helping, caring, and comforting us all this past few [weeks] (or past short moment in time). Today we return to Vietnam already. We wish everyone at the shelter to have what they want (or have things their way anytime they want).

*Much apologizes if my Vietnamese terminology is not correct.

English class this morning dealt with the human body. Each person took turn drawing ONE body part: nose, two ears, etc. This is the final Masterpeice! I'm going to enlarge it and hang it in my room!

There's a new class at that shelter! Daily 7:00-10:00 PM Dance Class! I currently teach it! To start off, I taught them the infamous "Electric Slide". The women here love it!!!!!

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